Who is the Intervening Narrator?
He explains things often seemingly insignificant and random, but his little digressions fill in the blanks for his audience to lessen the likelihood of confusion by something going on in the story. He is motivated by the desire to help the reader when something is not clearly understood or recognized. He will always be identified by "parentheses" both in a literal or English translation of the bible
[Bryan Chappel]
Fallen Condition Focus
Fallen Condition Focus - “The mutual human condition that contemporary believers share with those for or by whom the text was written that requires the grace of the passage for God’s people to glorify and enjoy Him.” [Bryan Chapell]
Verse/Statement Meanings
Indicative - A statement of fact - what’s true.
Imperative - A command - attempts to control what will be.
Indicative/Imperative (Within a particular text). “Indicative/Imperative” relationship can be expressed like this: “God has done this; therefore, you should do that.”
Interrogative - A question asked by anyone. God’s questions are always rhetorical, meaning He is not looking for an answer; He is omniscient, and His questions inform/instruct us with the intent to lead us to repentance.
Conditional Statements Usually a statement which supplies and “If…then” scenario.
Structural Diagram Connectives
Reveal the relationship between the ideas it links together.
Comparison Connectives (shows ideas to be alike, or similar): Like, As, Also, Too, And
Contrast Connectives (items are unlike or opposites): But, Nevertheless, Even Though, Much More, Yet, Although, More Than
Conditional Statements (a particular condition that leads to a predictable result): If, Then
Correlative Structure (shows items related to each other reciprocally): “Both. And,” “As. So Also,” “So As,” “For As”
Connectives of Reason (shows one item is the reason behind another): Because, Therefore, For This Reason, For, Since
Purpose Statements (indicates result): That, So That, In Order That
Sequence or Time Connectives (notes the order of events): And, Now, Until, When, After, Before, Since, While, Then
Geographical Connector (indicates location): “Where”